The World of Canvas Prints

Canvas print is simply a term used to describe digital images that have been rendered onto canvas. These images can either be printed on stretched canvas or canvas that has been gallery wrapped. In digital printing, gallery wrapped canvases are those that have been stapled on the back, so the image can be printed on the sides of the frame. This allows the image to be continued or reflected onto the sides of the canvas. It is currently the preferred form of canvas used in digital photography, as it does not require framing for display.

Advantages of Canvas Prints

Canvas prints take advantage of modern printing technology such as giclee to enhance and optimize the quality of the images. Already preferred by most artists, canvas printing is gaining popularity in the world of photography. Because images appear so sharp and detailed, most photographers are abandoning lithography in favor of giclee for their reproductions. In fact, photographers will often print limited edition images onto canvas to be sold at auctions. For example, Graham Nash, photographer and member of Crosby, Stills and Nash, has been selling his digitally reproduced photographic images for thousands of dollars at high-end auctions for almost two decades.

Giclee in Relation to Canvas Prints

Giclee, the process of reproduces digital images onto canvas using precision inkjet printers has led to the proliferation of artists and photographers switching to canvas prints. Using archival inks, these reproductions are guaranteed to last for decades without aging. Adding varnish to the canvas after printing can also extend the life of the images to well over a hundred years. Perhaps the most intriguing aspect of canvas printing is how stunning photographic images appear on canvas. Being printed on canvas gives photographs a timeless look, and the texture of the canvas will unquestionably enhance the image in gorgeous fashion. 

More Articles:

Canvas Photo Articles:

The Next Step in Photography: Photo Canvas
The Gorgeous Benefits of Canvas Photo
Any Photo Can Be Turned Into a Canvas Photo: The Best Canvas Photo Prints

Canvas Print Articles:

The Growing Popularity of Canvas Prints
The World of Canvas Prints
Digital Photos as Archival Canvas Prints
Canvas Art of Chic Photo: You too Can Create Quality Canvas Prints

Photo Gift Articles:

Photo Gifts on Stretched Canvas
How to Create your Very Own Photo Gifts by Printing on Canvas

Photos on Canvas:

How to Print Photos on Canvas
Photos On Canvas

Additional Articles on Stretched Canvas and Canvas Photo Gift:

The Next Step in Photography: Photo Canvas
The Gorgeous Benefits of Canvas Photo
The Growing Popularity of Canvas Prints
The World of Canvas Prints
Photo Gifts on Stretched Canvas

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